Saturday, December 22, 2012

RADIUS Brute-Force Tool

I was doing an assessment of an authentication solution using the RADIUS protocol and found the need to verify if there was a lock-out policy enforced. Also to verify my suspicions that one-time passwords were not used on all accounts.

Lock-out policies are useful and truly are a good countermeasure against bruteforce attacks. Also delaying an Access-Reject in the RADIUS server even just for a second causes the bruteforce attack to render useless since it takes too long.

Starting to investigate and browsing the web for a RADIUS Brute-force tool but i could not find one.

radclient which ships with FreeRADIUS can surely be used in combination with bash or shell scripting.

I found Pyrad which was exactly what i was after.
A RADIUS packet creator in python!

So i started to look at the examples and combining functionality.

This is what i came up with

The output:

# ./ userfile passfile
Attacking target...
Sending authentication request User-Name: admin
Access accepted: admin,password

To note:
A RADIUS server needs the following for this to apply.
- Shared secret configured must match the client (attacker) and the server
- Source IP-address needs to match.

Hope you find it useful as i did.
The code includes comments that can aid in troubleshooting and as examples, that is why i left them there, i am also using the freeradius dictionary.


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